A string of seven Dreamtime flags in the colours of the rainbow, a reflection of the Rainbow Serpent. The flags are a daily reminder of connection to self and Country.
The symbols on the flags are a social code that support human beings to find their own meaning and be at home with their place on earth. A new paradigm for living that will re-establish harmony that is most needed in today's society, environment and the world. The seven principles for healing - Love, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Hope, Vision, and Medicine (the power of energy and nature to heal ourselves) become intonations in our own self healing.
Product Information Dreamtime Flags
190m of polyester bunting (100x 1.9m length)
Size of Flag: 22cm x 30cm
Single Sided Reverse Digital Print (7 different designs each length)
Flag Material: 100D Polyester 50cm
Header Cord each end
5.5cm Gap Between Flags