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A string of seven Dreamtime flags in the colours of the rainbow, a reflection of the Rainbow Serpent. The flags are a daily reminder of connection to self and Country.


The symbols on the flags are a social code that support human beings to find their own meaning and be at home with their place on earth. A new paradigm for living that will re-establish harmony that is most needed in today's society, environment and the world. The seven principles for healing - Love, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Hope, Vision, and Medicine (the power of energy and nature to heal ourselves) become intonations in our own self healing.


Product Information Dreamtime Flags

  • 190m of polyester bunting (100x 1.9m length)

    Size of Flag: 22cm x 30cm

    Single Sided Reverse Digital Print (7 different designs each length)

    Flag Material: 100D Polyester 50cm

    Header Cord each end

    5.5cm Gap Between Flags

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