Signature Program
Providing hands-on-tools, First Nations knowledge, and the community support that will empower you to reconnect to your inner voice and strengthen your power within for greater personal development.

Cultural Camping Retreat, Wallaby Creek, 2021
The Rainbow Song Lines
Karen Reys' signature program Rainbow Song Lines shares her Aboriginal cultural knowledge as well as the wisdom learned through her own personal and spiritual journey of healing over the past twenty years.
The program offers a culturally safe place for women to explore who they are and what their higher purpose is in life through shared stories, Indigenous ancient wisdom, cultural healing, and the creative arts.
Over 10 weeks the Traditional Owners and Elders will take women back to the land (physically and spiritually) to teach them how to reconnect with Mother Earth / Country and how to listen deeply to their spirit.

Uncle Willie Gordon, Rainbow Serpent Tour, Cooktown
The culturally inclusive workshops are held on Gimuy Country in outdoor locations such as the Cairns Esplanade and Goomburra Park. The major workshop culminates in a two day camping trip north of Cairns in a scenic location which includes a cultural rock art tour and sitting on Country with Karen's cultural mentor Nugal Warra Elder Uncle Willie Gordon.​​

Rosie & Hanna Parker, Goomborra Park, Weaving Workshop
The workshops are delivered by specialist facilitators in cultural and spiritual practices that include a Welcome to Country, Smoking Ceremony by the Traditional Owners, deep listening, walk on country and rock art tour by an Aboriginal translator, smoking for healing ceremony and guided meditations. The cultural activities include weaving, singing, dancing, painting and hand building with clay.
The Story & Song Lines Workshop 1 & 2 (1 day) is a one-off/stand alone and a precursor to the full program. If you wish to continue your journey you can do Workshops 3 - 10 (3 x 1 day workshop plus 2 nights camping retreat).

Ian Wilkes, Noongar Wadjuk & Balladong people, Chanting Workshop, April 2021
"A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretence and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself." - Maya Angelou

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